Saturday, September 24, 2011

Blog # 3- Sound Deconstruction


                                                              Sound Critique:

In this scene from Inception, as you listen the sounds that we hear are all casual, they are all literal sounds that happen as we hear them as they are digetic (the world of the movie). They only sounds that are non-digetic are the soundtracks that we the audience can hear but the characters in the film can't. The soundtrack is the only sounds, which are sematic. It used for to represent a specific character-Mal. The music is very dark, and harsh. Which is ideal since she is the villain. Since the scene takes place in limited space, the sound is affected as such. The directionality plays an important part. When Ariadne steps on a glass, there is ting with an echo, when Mal steps on the glass there is just a low crunch. The difference is the ting gets Mal to become aware of Ariadne, it's important to the scene. When Mal steps on the glass it's immaterial hence the lower volume. To invoke emotional response there is the music becomes tense, and eerie, as Mal threatens Ariadne, and the audience is meant to feel her fear, and anxiety, which is enforced by her audible breathing, and quiet speaking.

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